A Web Designer’s New Year’s Resolution

Happy New Years from BA Web SolutionsThis is the time of the year when I take the time to consider the past year and what I would like to work on in the new year. When it comes to Web Design and Internet marketing there are a few resolutions which I hope to keep:

Tracking Hours

Tracking hours is essential to marketing… it is how I get paid. Yet, I find that I get caught up in the task at hand and forget to simply write down how much time the task took. This year, I will diligently record my worked hours, from tasks to phone calls to meetings.

One tool I will be using for this is Harvest tracking at www.getharvest.com. It is priced well, easy to use and works well on my desk top as well as my Android phone.


I am constantly learning new stuff and this year will be no different, only to set time aside to research and learn new techniques and skills.

Search Engine Marketing

Focus on Local SEO. I find that most of my clients are looking for be found in the search engines, not ready to pay for a full blown nation wide SEO campaign but looking local SEO in the Bay Area.


Facebook design will soon be a service offered by Bay Area Web Solutions,


If I go to a conference it will be SMX West, but it is tough to shell out the cash for it. Sometimes I think that it would be better if I stayed at home for 3 days and watched Lynda.com videos and listened to podcasts.

Correct Prioritizes & Life Balance

Some tasks can wait, ask yourself what is more important than sleep, possibly deadlines and must finish projects, but there are also tasks that can wait until tomorrow. No coffee after 1pm, this may mean I scold myself with a Grande Americo as I pound it at five to one, regardless, it is a resolutions.


No one ever sat on their death bed and said I wish I spent more time at work, I know I won’t, so in 2012 I am looking for ways to spend more time with my family.

Exercise… enough said.

Business Development and client work.

Both are important, one pays now and one pays off in the future. I want to do both, but I need to find the right balance in 2012.

Business Development

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  • Better business cards; the other day a client laughed at my current cards
  • Local SEO
  • Facebook design and marketing
  • Content generation for Blog, website and print. We will be bringing on a content partner this year, a world renound author actually, that will be copy , writing for our SEO and design projects. Stay tuned, more to follow


Will I keep these resolutions, only the future will tell, but I do wish you a happy new years and ever better success in the New Year

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